Hussain Soherwordi: Pakistan’s Strained Relationship with Afghanistan and Challenges Ahead

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In this episode of Orion Talks, Suat Cubukcu is joined by Professor Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi. Professor Soherwordi delves into the current economic and political landscape of Pakistan, shedding light on its relations with the Taliban government in Afghanistan and the tense dynamics between the two nations. He discusses the recent surge of terrorist attacks targeting Pakistan, as well as Pakistan’s cross-border strikes into Afghanistan. Additionally, he explores potential cooperation and collaboration with the Taliban government to deal with the issue of the TTP (Tehriki-Taliban in Pakistan) and explores solutions for more humanitarian approaches related to the deportation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. Furthermore, Professor Soherwordi offers policy recommendations for both Pakistan and the international community to alleviate these tensions and foster stability in the region.

Prof. Dr Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi is the Chairman of the Department of International Relations, and former Director of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Peshawar, following a career as a researcher and professor of International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Political Science and Creative Leadership. He is the director of the Center for FATA Studies, University of Peshawar. He remained convenor of a ‘Working Group for Pakistan’s Foreign Policy towards Afghanistan’ at Pakistan’s National Security Division, Islamabad for four years. He completed his MS and PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He concluded his National Security & Foreign Policy fellowship at the University of Delaware, US in 2018.

He edited two volumes titled “Socio-Economic and Political Currents in FATA: A Way Forward” in 2015 and “Religion, Economics, and Politics of FATA” in 2021 by Peter Lang Publishers, US. His latest book titled: “A Divergent Foreign Policy Alliance: The Pak-US Relations” is under the process of publication till July 2024.

Prof Soherwordi has consulted for numerous foundations and government agencies on governance, local government, police reforms, education policy, federalism, and decentralization. He is a visiting professor at the Command and Staff College, Quetta, National Institute of Management (NIM) Peshawar, Pakistan Naval Academy, Karachi, Pakistan Navy War College, Lahore, and National School of Public Policy (NSPP), Lahore. He is also a member of the editorial boards of numerous national and international Journals. Dr Soherwordi regularly contributes his write-ups in national newspapers and appears on different national and international news channels to comment on global concerns.

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